
The Massacre of Glencoe

Cruel is the Snow

A modern song composed in 1960 by Jim McLean


and lyrics by Jim McLean

Sequenced by Lesley Nelson-Burns & John Renfro-Davis

Waltz version by Jim McLean

Note: Both precedent songs are published by Duart Music London
and registered with the PRS and the MCPS.

Oh, cruel is the snow that sweeps Glencoe
And covers the grave o' Donald;
Oh, cruel was the foe that raped Glencoe
And murdered the house of MacDonald.

1. They came in the blizzard, we offered them heat,
A roof for their heads, dry shoes for their feet;
We wined them and dined them, they ate of our meat,
And they slept in the house of MacDonald

2. They came from Fort William wi murder in mind;
The Campbell had orders King William had signed;
"Put all to the sword," these words underlined,
"And leave none alive called MacDonald."

3. They came in the night when the men were asleep,
This band of Argyles, through snow soft and deep;
Like murdering foxes amongst helpless sheep,
They slaughtered the house of MacDonald.

4. Some died in their beds at the hand o the foe;
Some fled in the night and were lost in the snow;
Some lived to accuse him wha struck the first blow,
But gone was the house of MacDonald.

Oh, froide est la neige qui tombe à Glencoe
Et qui recouvre vos tombeaux!
Cruel, l'ennemi qui entra à Glencoe
Pour massacrer le Clan McDonald.

1. Surpris par la tempête, ils ont pu se chauffer,
Près de l'âtre ils purent sêcher leurs effets;
Avec eux, viande et vin, nous avons partagé.
Ils ont dormi chez nous, les McDonald.

2. Ils quittaient Fort William avec un noir dessein,
Ces Campbells porteurs de l'ordre du Souverain;
"Que l'on passe au fil de l'épée tout un chacun,
Qu'il ne reste en vie aucun McDonald!"

3. Profitant de la nuit et de notre repos,
De la neige étouffant leurs pas sous son manteau;
Tels le loup sanguinaire au milieu d'un troupeau,
Ils ont massacré tous les McDonald.

4. On égorgea les uns lâchement dans leur lit;
D'autres sont morts de froid dans la neige et la nuit;
Les survivants en vain montrent leurs ennemis:
C'en était fini du Clan McDonald.

(Trad. Ch.Souchon)

Mean source of information on the songs on Glencoe: The Mudcat Discussion Forum (various threads)

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