When Charlie to the Highlands came

Quand Charlie vint dans les Highlands

Scotland after Culloden

By Robert Allan (1774 - 1841)
First published approx 1816

Tune - Mélodie
"The Bonnie Milldams of Balgonie"
Ascribed to Alexander Campbell (1783)
First printed in about 1800 in The Fourth Niel Gow Collection
as "Lord Balgonie's Favourite"

Sequenced by Ch.Souchon


AIR : "The bonnie Mill-dams o' Balgonie."

1. When Charlie to the Highlands came,
It was a' joy and gladness,
We trow'd na that our hearts sae soon
Wad broken be wi' sadness.

2. Oh! why did Heaven sae on us frown,
And break our hearts wi' sorrow;
Oh! it will never smile again,
And bring a gladsome morrow!

3. Our dwellings, and our outlay gear,
Lie smoking, and in ruin;
Our bravest youths, like mountain deer,
The foe is oft pursuing.

4. Our home is now the barren rock,
As if by Heaven forsaken;
Our shelter and our canopy,
The heather and the bracken.

5. Oh! we maun wander far and near,
And foreign lands maun hide in;
Our bonnie glens, we lo'ed sae dear,
We daurna langer bide in.

6. Oh! we maun wander far and near,
And foreign lands maun hide in;
Our bonnie glens, we lo'ed sae dear,
We daurna langer bide in

AIR : "Les jolis moulins de Balgonie."

1. Charlie fut pour les Highlands
Source de courte liesse,
S'effaçant promptement
Devant la détresse!

2. Méritions-nous du Destin
Cette hargne cruelle
Qui demain le chagrin
D'hier renouvelle?

3. Nos cottages et nos champs
Sont des ruines fumantes;
Nos jeunes gens vont fuyant
Devant les meutes sanglantes.

4. Il nous faut fuir au désert,
Le Ciel nous abandonne
Pour abris les lieux découverts
Bruyères, genets jaunes.

5. Un seul remède fatal
A notre détresse;
A quitter notre cher glen natal
L'âpre misère, hélas, nous presse.

6. Un seul remède fatal
A notre détresse;
A quitter notre cher glen natal
L'âpre misère, hélas, nous presse.

Traduction Ch.Souchon (c) 2008

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