XIII COSMIQUE Arc. Eblouissement de sphères et de lignes Où crépitent en feux leurs passages perdus, Chaudron d'éternités à vau le temps et du Mirage d'un ciel mort, tordu -forces et signes- Ou chevelure, front qui le talon assigne Pour, roue, hissé le sein et le ventre tendu, Etoiler d'un refus ce plaisir qui m'est dû, Transmuant son élan en tel autre plus digne: Devenir maître de l'inflexible pivot Qui ne sait du nadir dévier quand prévaut Le seul emportement du chiffre, du langage. Atomes, tourbillons que fige, annule l'âge, Dites du corps ployé, du ployé firmament, Qui m'emporte ou m'enclôt; qui m'éveille ou me ment? 1er mai 1992

Copyright Michel Galiana 01.04.2006 (c) (r) All rights reserved

XIII ASTRONOMER Bow. Orbs circling on lines where, a dazzling display, They spit flames as they speed past and vanish away, Cauldron overflowing with eternities and Twisted reflection of a dead sky, a dead end. Or comets with long hair flowing from crown to heel, With raised breast and pulled in stomach shaping a wheel That is starred refusal of pleasure due to me Compelling my impulse to become more worthy: I shall be master of the unyielding axis, Which keeps pointing down to the nadir, since there is Nothing that rules the world but figures and language. You, eddies of atoms, tied or cancelled by age, Say, which of bent body or of bent universe Is freedom or is fence, which is fair or perverse? May 1st 1992

Transl. Christian Souchon 01.04.2006 (c) (r) All rights reserved

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